

From 1987 to 2001 Prof. Dr. Ernest Zatko- Ján E. Bor received:

In 1987 the recognition “Dr. TISO” from the Slovak community living in Canada for his work as Slovak writer of the past and present of Slovak history and culture.

In 1996 a post-mortem medal from the Library of the University of Bratislava, Slovakia –Europe– by the Slovak’s Cultural Commission handled by Dr. J. Rydlo (University "Kniznica Bratislava") and Dr. M. Skotka (Narodné Literárne Centrum Bratislava).

In the Seminarium of Ziline-Slovakia -celebrated on April 2000- a post-mortem recognition "Dr. Joseph Tiso” and diplome for his works as Slovak, philosopher, critic, translator and editor by Rudolf Mirjanský (Správca rodného domu Dr. J. Tiso), PhDr. Peter Maruniak (Kabinet vyskumu dejín slovneského exilu), Ing. Miroslav Adámek (Prednosta Mestského uradu v Ziline).

In 2001, his biography was published in the Slovak's dictionary "Slovník Slovenskych spisovatel'ov 20s storocia" edited by "Slovenska Národna Kniznica", on pag. 524 written by Mgr. Peter Cabadaj and Dr. Augustín Mat'ovcik.

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